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Updated: Aug 28, 2023

Do you relate to the overwhelming desire for that first cup of coffee in the morning? Or maybe to the mid-afternoon sluggish feeling when you're ready for another delicious cup to push you through your day?

Do you want to learn how to brew awesome coffee at home so you can save money for other things?

If you answered yes to any of the above then we already have some things in common. If not, that's okay, I'm happy to have you here and look forward to finding other things we have in common.

My name is Meghan and I'm an average middle-aged (ugh, how did that happen) mom of two kiddos ages 11 and 7. My husband is Andy and we live in Southeastern MA in the same beach town where I grew up. Here we all are at a recent family wedding in NJ.

Andy and I both work full-time jobs so, between work, kid activities, and all the other grown-up responsibilities, we are super busy and sometimes super tired.....reason #776 why I love coffee! I do my best to keep it all organized......with mental notes, paper planners, and the kitchen calendar. Um, as you can see below I'm not always on top of things - is it really the end of August?? Pretty sure the To-Do list is from March - but hey, everything is checked off but one task. I said I was average, so no judging here.

Okay okay, time to tell you why I'm here. Over the years, I have developed a love for coffee. There's just something about that first sip in the morning. For me, it's a sacred moment and I look forward to it every day.

I still remember my first coffee experience - it was a medium regular iced from Dunkin Donuts circa 1994/1995. I was a teenager and headed to cheer camp and was super stoked to be slurping down my first real coffee. A couple years later when I went off to college, I gained the stereotypical "freshman 15" and my doctor told me the cream and sugar were contributing to it. So I ditched the cream and sugar and switched to skim milk only - I think that is when I realized I actually like the taste of coffee and didn't need to add sweetener to enjoy it. No judgment if you like your coffee with cream and sugar, to each their own. :-)

Enough about forward to present day, I have found a passion for coffee. This Summer my daughter and I visited a handful of new coffee shops, which I'll share in a future post. I've always dreamed of opening my own shop...but for now I'm taking in as much knowledge as I can about the industry, trying new roasts, and practicing various brew methods at home, which I'm getting pretty good at, if I do say so myself!

Over on my site, I've shared a few coffee products that I am currently using, as well as a couple of my go-to recipes. Check them out and let me know what you think!

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